Harvesting our crops – Sunday 25th September 2022

Harvesting our crops

It’s the time of year to start harvesting our crops. Some of them we have been doing as we need them, such as the carrots and parsnips. Others such as the apples aren’t ready quite yet. Ari is picking the pears as and when we feel like eating them, although our humans had other plans for them. Yesterday, he harvested his hazelnuts. He wanted to get them before the squirrels buried them all. This is one items we can’t so easily help ourselves too as the shells are surprisingly hard. Dad had one of the nuts yesterday and said they were very nice. I’m not sure who is going to eat the others.

Spaghetti Squash

The spaghetti squashes are worrying. Oh they’ve done all right, but that’s the problem. Some of them are rather larger than Ari was anticipating. Any idea Mum might have had of cutting them in half and roasting them then having a half with other things mixed in as a meal for each person are definitely not going to work – not unless that one person is very hungry! Some of the larger squashes look big enough to feed a family of ten. And, as you’ve probably noticed, we don’t have a family of anything like that many, even counting us three dogs. Mum is thinking of having spaghetti squash Bolognese.

Waggiest Tail

I was very proud of my niece, Sybil, who went to the dog show I had hoped to be at yesterday. She won dog with the waggiest tail and was champion at biscuit catch. These are very important events for an Entlebucher to be good at. Given I couldn’t be there to fly the flag for our breed, I’m so pleased that she won those classes. Shadow was delighted to hear that her son Basil (Beethoven) won best veteran in the show with the other Swiss breeds. Well done, Basil.

