It rained – Thursday 25th August 2022

It rained

Yesterday rather took us by surprise because it rained. Mum left all of the windows of her car open when she came in. The next thing she knew the car was getting very wet inside as well as out. Thankfully it didn’t stop Mum being happy to do some gardening and spend time outside with all of us, but it did put paid to the idea of just sitting in the chair enjoying the great outdoors. Shadow of course promptly asked if she could have her new coat on, but Mum said she’d be too warm.

Bone Meal

Mum had a rose which still needed planting and finally got around to that yesterday. Oh it was funny. As soon as she brought out the tub of bone meal to go in with the roots to help the plant grow, we all started queuing up ready to try to eat it instead. Shadow wasn’t quite so subtle and simply marched into the middle of the garden as soon as the rose was in the ground. Mum doesn’t get cross with Shadow very often but she did about that.

Ari and I were too busy chain eating apples to worry too much about the bone meal until the coast was clear.


Shadow has had another little health blip. She has a couple of mornings of being incontinent again and has no idea why. None of her medication has changed and she seems all right except for that. She’s ok again by lunchtime, but she’s finding morning quite upsetting. Mum has taken her out more and thankfully she’s happy with her pants. She seems absolutely fine other than that, so Mum is simply keeping an eye on her and giving her some extra love. She’s also keeping the carpet cleaner handy.

