An odd outing
I went for an odd outing yesterday. I was so excited as it feels like ages since I’ve been anywhere interesting. Mum wanted to go to the National Herb Centre and asked if I’d like to go. Silly question, if she’s going then of course I want to go. It was dry when we left the house. Mum had a light jumper over her dress. Dad being dad had a coat on. He’s the sensible one who was brought up always to take a coat. Mum usually laughs at him when he’s sweltering and really didn’t need it. She didn’t laugh yesterday. We arrived at the car park and there I was all revved up and ready to have a jolly good sniff.
And then
And then it rained. It had started on the drive there. It’s only about twenty-five minutes from here, so you’d think they had the same weather. It turns out they get rather more of it. The rain was so heavy that even Dad in his coat didn’t feel like getting out of the car. Me, being me, didn’t mind a jot. Mum is usually game, but I can see that it was probably a bit too heavy to make for an enjoyable visit. We sat in the car park while Mum looked at the forecast on her phone – then we came home, where, would you believe, it was still dry!
On the bright side
At least it meant we could all be outdoors. The big rebuild of the compost bin is in progress and it’s worth having a ringside view for. At the very least there is partly rotted compost to eat with an entertaining view to accompany it.
I may have another outing today to the same place if the weather is good later. Mind you, the forecast isn’t promising so I won’t hold my breath.