Feeling sad
We’re all feeling sad because yesterday our maternal human grandpa died at the amazing age of 96 ½. We’re all going to spend a day outside in the garden where we’ll be thinking about him. It was his love of gardening that got Mum started and because of that she says the garden is the place she feels closest to him. She would have loved to take me to visit him in the nursing home he was in for the last few months, but I freak out as a result of the high-pitched frequency of hearing aids. It’s a shame, because he loved dogs and he’d have been delighted to have a visit. Hopefully he has now been reunited with his old dog Oscar and they are somewhere over the rainbow bridge, where they’ll be gardening and playing together.

The compost bin
The compost bin continues to cause some issues. My humans thought they had been so clever making extra pieces out of old shelves that weren’t needed. They carefully cut them to the exact (odd lengths) to fit the gap. Sadly that gap gets wider the higher up the compost bin you go. They overlooked one very small detail. Because wood designed to be used indoors has not been treated to cope with being outdoors, the boards have, in a very short space of time, warped. They have in an equally short space of time as a result of warping fallen out of the gap.
Dad is not daunted. He is now suggesting they take the whole bin apart and rebuild it from the bottom up. Bearing in mind Mum has already filled it with garden waste and as a result she is a little less keen. I can see rebuilding the compost bin as being an ongoing challenge. Maybe they should list it as one of their hobbies of any forms they fill in.
So sorry to hear about your grandpa. 96.5 was a very grand age. Love and best wishes to all family and friends x
Thank you