Ready to watch – Thursday 2nd June 2022

Ready to watch

We are all ready to watch the hot air balloons if they come this way. There is an air show only a few miles from here and at the very least some of the planes are likely to fly over. Better than that though is the fact there should be lots of hot air balloons going up over the next three days at different times. If the wind is in the right direction they may come this way. I’ve booked my favourite patch of grass to watch from. Mum and Dad are planning to spend the afternoon gardening but have strategically placed chairs for when they want to sit and watch. I think Mum plans to have her camera ready too, just in case it is worth taking photos.

Aristotle’s plans

Aristotle says he can’t wait any long for Mum to finish preparing the vegetable bed for him. He needs to plant his squash and marrow without further delay. Mum says he has a point, the roots on the plants either need to go into the soil or they will totally wrap their way around the greenhouse. It is on the list of things she won’t get around to doing today as she will be watching the air show. I guess he’ll just get more annoying as the afternoon wears on until she gives in.

Shadow is amazing

Only a week ago we thought Shadow wasn’t going to make it until last weekend when Dad came home. Now she is better than she has been for a while and is not only eating properly again but says she feels much better in herself. She is booked in for a scan next week, but Mum is now wondering if that is really needed. Dad thinks it is better to be safe, so it will go ahead. If Shadow were a cat that would definitely be another of her nine lives gone. Let’s just hope she has a few more to spare.

