Claw biting week
Well this is turning into a claw biting week. Dad has a flight booked for Friday but at the moment he is still testing positive for Covid. He doesn’t want to pass it on to anyone else or bring it home to Mum. We’re just hoping that he’s almost clear of being infectious. We so want to see him. The weather forecast is good, so we are really hoping to spend the whole time he is here outdoors – excepting sleeping obviously. Although having said that, Shadow can’t stay awake for more than a few minutes at a time so I guess she will be sleeping outside, at least some of the time.
Days out
Mum has been putting together a list of things she might manage to do as days or part days out with Dad when he’s home. I’m holding my breath, waiting to see how many of them will include me. I know she’s always happier when I’m by her side to give her courage, so I’m hoping that she’s focussing on that in her planning. I’ll even cooperate with Dad holding my lead if it makes it easier. I usually make a fuss about that and say I want to be attached to Mum. Dad gets very fed up with me and I suppose I can see his point.
Some things at home
Over the Bank Holiday weekend here to celebrate the Queen’s jubilee, Mum is really hoping the wind will be in the right direction. There is an air show taking place near here, including lots of hot air balloons. If the wind is the right way she is hoping that she will be able to see them without going out. It would be rather fun to have something like that to bark at. I’m crossing my paws.