Hydrotherapy – Tuesday 17th May 2022


Aristotle is going for his first hydrotherapy session in a long long time. It’s nearly two years since he’s been. He says he’s feeling apprehensive. To be honest, I don’t know which if them is worse, Ari who never liked getting into the water at the best of times, or Mum who has not been to anywhere indoors that wasn’t essential in the same sort of length of time. They have both tried hiding to avoid going, but I found them both and will send them on their way. It will be good for both of them. I only wish I was going too.

Long week

It’s a bit of a long week if I’m being honest. It’s part of that all the workmen coming at once thing I was talking about. The electrician did come as planned last Friday, but the plumber didn’t. That seems to have been overenthusiasm on Mum’s part and he said he was talking about this Friday. We’ve already got a man here who is putting some doors on in places that humans normally expect to find doors – like bathrooms! It means we have to be on our best behaviour and stay out of the way.

Shadow is the one who is really moaning about it. When I say ‘moaning’ it’s more howling. She never has been very good about not getting her own way.

On the bright side

On the bright side Mum is being very good and getting all her work done while we can’t just do as we please. That means that as soon as the house is our again we can all go outside and spend the rest of the time in the garden. It’s been too warm to do much in the middle of the day anyway, so lots of running around first thing and last thing suits me much better.

