Why a banana? – Saturday 14th May 2022

Why a banana?

Why a banana? That’s what I want to know. Now, if you have not been paying attention, or live outside Europe, you may not know what I’m talking about. I’m speaking on behalf of my canine wolf relatives. You see, the Norwegian entry for the Eurovision Song Contest is a very strange song. It’s called ‘Give that wolf a banana.’ We like bananas, that’s not the point. Those of us on diets will eat just about anything.

However, if you are trying to distract the wolf’s attention and prevent him from eating Grandma then I suggest you choose something which takes a little longer to eat. A steak would be my first suggestion. But if you want to be all vegan about it then maybe a large carrot would be a starting point. They are harder and take a little chewing. If you only come up with a banana the wolf’s attention will be back on Grandma before you can say ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.

My money is on Ukraine

Whilst I’m on the subject of Eurovision, how does Australia come to be included in Europe? My geography might be somewhat limited, but I’m sure from the things Mum has said and from when Winston used to write to us from there, that it is a very long way away.

As to who will win, I’m hoping that it will be Ukraine. We have a fair number of dog friends who live in the country, some of whom are now refugees. Many of their stories have been very hard and show dedication by their humans that is true devotion. There have been whole litters of puppies which have had to be evacuated to foster homes, as well as dogs whose flight from the country had been so traumatic that they have sustained injury on route. With all my four paws – I stand with Ukraine.

