The Mediterranean
You might think the Mediterranean was quite a long way from where we live, but it seems you’d be wrong. Just because our patio enjoys the afternoon sun, Mum seems to have developed ideas of grandeur for it. I think I told you that she has bought two olive bushes to go in planters on the patio and in fairness they do look quite nice. We helped planting them in a supervising capacity. Anyway, now she’s got it into her head to add two lemon trees. Apparently they will have to come inside during the winter. This is where it gets worrying. I heard Mum saying to Dad, and this is so shocking I’m going to repeat it word for word – ‘The dogs don’t use their nice bed in the garden room, they can go just there.’

Lemon trees
Mum is actually planning to give our bed to the lemon trees for the winter. Not her bed, which I’m sure they would prefer, but ours. Ok, so she explained later, when I was beside myself with grief, that our bed would be moved first. Where to though? That’s what I want to know. Where are we to curl up if the Lemon trees have taken our spot? It really starts to make you wonder what will happen next. If I don’t use my toy box will a fuchsia appear in its place for the winter? Nothing is safe.
We dogs don’t even like the taste of lemons. Where is the fun in having them if we can’t eat them?
Dad has asked if we can find some space for junipers. Mum said she could make juniper jam, but for some reason Dad thinks that would be a waste of good juniper berries. The idea of him cider making is one thing, but if he starts moving on to gin then we’re all in trouble.