No dinghy
Oh I’m so disappointed, there will be no dinghy on the pond. I wanted to try it out and have a little row around. Instead Mum has bought a rather good pond net that extends to about 3 meters long. It means if she works her way around the sides of the pond she can just about reach everything. By the end of yesterday she had cleared almost all the blanket weed and is now going to try using barley bales to clear the rest. It means no dinghy and no getting to laugh at Dad going into the pond in waders. Mum is such a killjoy at times.
On the bright side
On the bright side it’s all hands on deck for the gardening. Dad is out of quarantine today, although he was partly allowed out yesterday too. For the next couple of weeks Mum and Dad with a lot of help from the three of us are going to spend lots of time gardening. Mum had to repair the ticket office roof yesterday as the felt had blown off in the wind the day before. Today they are going to finish fixing their garden bench and continue with the skip. Ari and I have been taking a more direct approach to the garden clearing and have eaten quite a few of the things we’ve found. Mum tells us off when she catches us, but we can be pretty sneaky about it.
Lots of hugs
The good news is that it’s not all work around here. Dad is having plenty of time to cuddle all three of us. Shadow is of course getting extra special cuddles, but Ari and I aren’t far behind. Dad can always be relied on for a good bottom scratch. That’s something that he’s much better at than Mum. We’re all trying to make the most of it.