Change of Plan – Monday 21st March 2022
Yesterday involved a change of plan. Who needs a day in the garden when the wildlife has moved indoors? – or at least the insects.
Yesterday involved a change of plan. Who needs a day in the garden when the wildlife has moved indoors? – or at least the insects.
These really are the best days according to Wilma. They’re all having a wonderful time in the garden.
Wilma is certain that the camera lies – she’s really not happy about it as these things have consequences.
Yesterday there was murder in the garden. Don’t worry, nothing has died. It wasn’t that sort of murder.
Yesterday was most certainly not normal when it comes to weather – or at least when it came to the sky. Not normal at all.
‘This is the life,’ says Wilma as she makes the most of the sunny days and being able to go between house and garden.
At last it is warm enough to have a door open for Wilma to go into the garden when she chooses to. She Is a happy dog.
When it came to a battle of Mum versus the Venetian blind Wilma was staying well out of the way. Some things aren’t safe.
Wilma thinks there is too much painting going on around here and not enough time being spend outdoors.
This is too exciting – Mum has told Wilma she wants to plan for them to go to Switzerland this summer. Now Wilma has to wait.
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