Puppy Love
Puppy love is so important to humans that they even write songs about it. Of course, by ‘puppy’ we do mean all of us. We know that in your eyes we always stay as your little puppy. Mum still calls Ari her ‘peanut’ from when he was just tiny. Anyway, the lovely people at Buddy and Lola have put together a fun little survey that we thought we’d like to share with you.
We are very important
Here’s what they said:
When asked how high up their dog is on their list of priorities, 82% of 228 dog owners responded that they’d give up a job opportunity for their pup, and 78% of respondents revealed that they’d end their relationship for their dog.
When it comes to romance, it seems the vast majority of people prefer the pure, wholesome love of a dog to the excitement of a new relationship:
64% of people said they’d rather kiss their dog than their partner.
42% prefer to share their bed with their dog than their partner,
45% of people spend more money on their dog than their partner every month, and a whopping
92% of people would rather stay in with their dog than go on a first date.
When browsing a dating site, 81% of people would be more likely to swipe right on a photo that included a dog.
(I asked Mum what that last point meant and she said she didn’t use dating sites either so didn’t really know. She thinks it might mean that people are more interested in potential dates who have a picture including a dog.)
Perfect Doggy Date
We like the fact that humans plan to have dates with their dogs. That happens in this house too. What Buddy and Lola’s survey showed was:
90% of survey respondents revealed that they plan ‘dates’ with their dog as a treat. Plans included a long walk (69%), staying at home to watch a movie (50%), or a doggy spa day (9%).
50% said they’d consider their dog to be the love of their life.
51% of dog owners also reported that they get their dog presents to let them know they’re thinking of them. The top choices were: treats, a new toy, a new lead and collar, and doggy clothes.
It’s good to know that humans have their priorities right.