The best days – Sunday 20th March 2022

The best days

These really are the best days. We’re all enjoying the sunshine and the garden. Gardening used to be Ari’s preserve, but we share it now. Even Shadow is enjoying being outside in the sunshine. She’s funny though as by the time she’s walked right up the garden she is completely out of breath. She tends to stay closer to the house. Even that proved funny yesterday. She went out of the garden room with Mum, but then forgot that the door was open and sat outside the back door while Mum was mowing, waiting to be let back in.

Washing the greenhouse

Mum spent a lot of time cutting the grass, but she said it was good exercise and she enjoyed it. It will be easier when our sit on mower gets here, but it won’t give her as much exercise. She’s even washed most of the glass of the greenhouse now. She can’t get to the top bits safely so she’s getting a pole that will help with that. We need to put some wires up to support one of the climbing roses but the pack doesn’t come with any instructions and Mum has no idea how to use them. She says she’s sure she’ll find something on the internet that will tell us.

Rose arches

Today’s job if there’s time is to put up the rose arches. Mum is going to see Granny as well today though so we might not get them done.

Mum did find the fence that the deer jumped at and it is slightly out of shape. She says she’d rather that was said about the fence than the deer and she just hopes it was all right. She says with a tack or two she’ll be able to sort the fence out. I think she just wants an excuse to wear her tool belt.

