At last
At last I can go outside when I want to. I realise that may not apply every day, but it was warm enough to have the door to the garden room open so that I could sit out on the grass and watch the world go by. I do love having a little extra freedom. Mum only really lets me when she’s sure she can keep an eye to make sure I’m safe, but it feels so good.
Quite honestly it’s nice to get away from Shadow at the moment too. I do love Shadow, of course I do, but she doesn’t hear so well or see so well and does rather tend to get in the way. Mum trips over her regularly. It’s best when Shadow goes outside for her to stay close to Mum. If she wanders off you then find Mum having to chase around the garden to bring her back as she gets a bit lost – Shadow that is. Mum doesn’t get lost in the garden.
Important visit
We have to be on our best behaviour later as we have an important visitor. The nice person from the planning department is coming to see if they will be happy for us to do the alterations we want to do. I’m keeping my paws crossed as it will mean our room being improved and that can only be good. Mum has asked us all to be very quiet and polite. I do find it easier when she doesn’t ask specifically. If I don’t think about it there’s less temptation to be naughty.
Mind you, Mum had to throw out part of one of my beds as I’d taken to eating the filling. She was ever so cross with me about it. This is what comes of not being allowed to eat as much as I’d like at meal times. On the other paw, Mum did point out that she doesn’t resort to eating the bedding and she’s on a diet too.