Mum versus the Venetian Blind
Yesterday can be summed up as a battle of Mum versus the Venetian blind. You can probably guess she’s still decorating the kitchen. She’s bought Venetian blinds in the same colour as the kitchen units. She simply had to put them up in front of the windows. You’d think there wasn’t much that could go awry with that. You’d be wrong. The battle lasted over two hours and that was just with the first blind and there’s two of them. There was one point where she’d drilled so many holes that we were starting to worry that the kitchen would fall down. That would have made the decorating a bit of a waste of time.
You cannot believe what a relief it was when she came out of the kitchen, covered in dust and paint, but smiling again. The worrying thing is that she ran out of time to do the second blind. She’s hoping to do that today and we’re hoping, for the sake of the structure of the kitchen, that she has learnt some of the lessons of yesterday.
Solar lights
On the bright side, if you’ll pardon the pun, I am going to be helping to decide where to put the new solar lights. Mum says if we position them well they will help her to see where Shadow has wandered off to in the night when she goes out. Of course, that will only apply when it’s a night after a sunny day. If the lights don’t recharge then her logic might be flawed. She has at least learnt from earlier mistakes on this one. If you point the solar panel north, they don’t recharge. If only her lessons were all as easy as that one. I suppose it would help if she thought about it in the first place.