Well rather than improving the weather was like a monsoon yesterday afternoon. I don’t usually mind rain, but I was very glad we’d already come back in when it started. I do hope this is the last storm for a while as three in a row is more than anyone wants. It must be time for some sunshine and a little respite from the bad weather.
Needless to say, with all that going on, we didn’t spent a lot of time outdoors yesterday. The seeds still haven’t been planting and the guttering that came down hasn’t been repaired.
Gone Mad with Paint
I think both of our humans may have gone mad with the paint. They have both been working hard decorating the kitchen. Now Mum has bought some stencils to add to what they’ve been doing. I think she may be getting carried away. Still, I got the last laugh on the whole ‘paint in my fur’ thing. Mum had tied her hair up in a pony tail and managed to dip the whole of the end of it in the paint so that it was purple. She even had to cut some out, which made it even more funny.
Making the most of Dad
We’re really trying to make the most of Dad as he’s only here until Sunday and then has to go back to Switzerland for a while. It came as a shock to Mum when she realised. You’d think she’d know as she booked his flights, but she was quite convinced we’d got him her for another week. It’s a shame she’s wrong, life is so much better when he’s here. I know when he goes that it won’t be too long until he’s back, but it’s never soon enough for my liking.