Enough Rain
There’s been enough rain – it can stop now. It is so hard hearing Dad saying how much he prefers the weather in Switzerland to here. He’s right of course, but it just makes me miss my homeland more. It is also meaning we get to spend less time with Dad outside as we had planned to do if the weather was nice. Shadow has completely gone off getting wet and even I can see the preference for blue skies makes a lot of sense. At least for the time being our pond won’t need any topping up, that has been done very effectively.
Valentine’s Day
It struck me today that I don’t have anyone to wish a happy Valentine’s Day too, except Dad. Oh there’s Ari, but we have more of a brother sister sort of relationship. Some days we love each other and some days we can’t stand the sight of each other. Shadow at least has past loves to think about. Somehow the thought made me a little sad. It’s never the same when your Mum makes you a little card to stop you feeling left out.
Discover Dogs
It’s going to be Crufts and discover dogs in a few weeks. I would so like to be going and seeing my public. Mum is getting fed up of feeling restricted by the risk of Covid. After two years I think it’s now getting to all of us. We really want normal life back but it’s easier said than done. The scary thing is that for us dogs this has gone on so long that this has almost become normal life. I think Mum’s feeling pretty sad about it all and very confused too. There is going to come a point when she has to increase her level of risk, but we just don’t know when that will be.