Good Boy
Yesterday Ari was a good boy. He had his kennel cough vaccination at the vet and was perfectly behaved. He did come home with some good news for me too. Apparently for those of us, like me, who it takes the whole surgery to hold for our kennel cough vaccine, there’s now one you can have by mouth and don’t need to have up your nose. Yay – about time too.
Anyway, back to Ari. The vet gave him a thorough examination. Unfortunately, his heart is a little worse then when they last saw him in November. He will have another scan in a few months to see what exactly has changed. Ari didn’t understand the detail but at his last scan there were two things wrong with his heart, so sadly the medication which could help one of them may not be possible as it could make the other condition worse.
Being stoical
He was pretty stoical about it all and in normal laid back Aristotle fashion said he’d just enjoy what time he does have and try not to worry. When he came home we went out and had a lovely game together. I ran around squeaking the ball and he chased behind a little slowly. He and I might have our little spats – almost daily, but we’re such good friends underneath it all. We all need a bit of healthy rivalry. I do hope he’s around for a long time to come.
Happy girl
I do like the fact that I’m the only one of us who can get up onto the bed with Mum. We have some really lovely times where we just snuggle together. Mum loves the way I wrap my paws around her hand as though trying to hold onto her. We have something a bit special, but then every dog probably says that about their human. I really am very lucky.
