Long week
It’s been a long week. I haven’t told you, but Grandpa has been in and out of hospital so it’s all been very worrying. Mum has been busy helping sorting out what’s happening, so she’s not had as much time for us. He is still in hospital but as we know he will be there over the weekend, there is not so much Mum can do to help. She has promised us all that we will have her undivided attention for rather more of the time than has been the case. It’s just a shame that the weather forecast is not so good. I rather fancy some spring like days with us all bouncing around outside.
Our kitchen looks very funny. Mum got some different coloured pots of pain to work out which would be best. She has painted little patches of wall in nine different colours. Then she ruled some out so turned those pots over as being out of the running. She was down to four, which she did another strip of colour close to the units to see which went best. Sadly, that was the point she got all the pots confused. She has no idea which pot matches which colour anymore and is going to have to start the process all over again.
Mum hasn’t used her passport for a while. She looked at when it is due to run out and now is in a flap to get it renewed. It hasn’t actually run out yet, but by the time she wants to use it there won’t be long enough left on it for us to go to Switzerland. She’s actually quite sad about renewing it as she doesn’t want a British one, she still wants to keep her lovely EU burgundy one. I feel a bit smug having my nice red Swiss passport.