We love the sunshine – Monday 28th February 2022
We love the sunshine, says Wilma. She’d happily be out in it all day every day. Sadly the forecast for this week is rain.
We love the sunshine, says Wilma. She’d happily be out in it all day every day. Sadly the forecast for this week is rain.
Yesterday was almost perfect – the sun shone and we spent most of the day outside. What could be better?
Some things are never as easy as you think they’re going to be – and never as easy as Mum assumes!
The pond has built in hedgehog escapes but would they be enough for Shadow to get out – she’s a bit bigger than a hedgehog.
Dad has come up with the idea of adding more fencing. Wilma is torn between seeing this as an opportunity or being a good dog.
Bring me sunshine – says Wilma as finally there seems to be some improvement in the weather. Now to get outside.
Can we come out now? Have all the storms gone by? We have so had enough of the bad weather – besides we need to do repairs.
Yesterday’s weather was more like a monsoon than is normal. We’ve all had enough now. We don’t want a G letter storm to follow Dudley, Eunice and Franklin.
Today we’re kicking our heels as nothing much is happening around here, thanks to the bad weather.
Wilma spent much of yesterday watching the storm. She would rather have been outside but Mum said no to that.
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