Careful what you wish for
I’m living proof that you should be careful what you wish for. There I was saying I was missing seeing my doggy friends in our favourite kennels and now here I am. Mum needed to sort some health problems out. As she doesn’t know how long she’ll be away from the house to do it she needed us to be looked after. Aristotle and I would probably have coped wherever we had to stay, but Mum was most concerned about Shadow. Given Shadow’s health issues she really needed to be somewhere that Mum knew she’d be ok.
All in the car
We all piled into the car so Mum could drive us here. The journey was supposed to take us three hours, but it didn’t. We were diverted. We were diverted off the diversion. Mum took a wrong turn. Then we were diverted back to the road we’d been diverted off. Oh it was a nightmare. I was just glad I didn’t have to map read. In the end it took us over four and a half hours and we were all asking ‘are we nearly there yet?’. I was very pleased when Mum rang to say she was home safely. I do feel I’m neglecting my duties not being there to take care of her, but I could see her point.
Just for a week
All being well we’re just here for a week and I for one plan to make the most of it. I can’t wait to see who else is staying and say hello. I’m hoping some of my friends are here, but if not I’ll just make some more friends. I’ve promised to look after Shadow too. It was either me or Aristotle and he’s not exactly reliable where his mum’s concerned.
Hi Wilma,
Sorry to hear your Mum is not well. Send our love and hope she feels better soon.
What a surprise to be back at you kennels for a short break. Have a great time, please keep an eye on Shadow and Ari. Love Dickens XXXX
Thanks, Dickens. I’ll do my best to look after them