Worrying time
We’re having a worrying time with Shadow. She collapsed again early yesterday morning. Once Mum had sorted her out and cleaned up we all went back to bed. Shadow just went and stood by the side of Mum’s bed until Mum got up and gave Shadow her heart tablet. Shadow definitely thinks the problem is heart related, even though she doesn’t understand exactly how. She was coughing much more during the day yesterday to. Mum says if she gets any worse then she’ll call the vet, but as it is similar to last time she’s not really sure there is anything they can do at this stage. Shadow is feeling very sorry for herself and wanting to stay as close as possible to Mum.
Waving Dad off
We’re waving Dad off again for a short time. None of us want him to go. Life has been so much more relaxed with him at home. Mum has been happier and that makes all of us happier too. With Dad away Mum will spend much more time either at her computer or doing jobs around the house. She’s not nearly so much fun when she’s trying not to think about missing Dad.
The only good thing is that she has promised that as long as the weather is good she’ll spend more time gardening and doing jobs outside. For a start there are the holes in what was the piggery to be covered over. We won’t be able to run in and out anymore but as some of our things are stored in there at least they will stay drier.
We’re back to decorating again too. Mum is determined to get some of it finished before Dad is back again. She has said we will finish the Bedroom and the kitchen units. I’m guessing it will be one or the other, but I don’t like to say that to her.
Hi Wilma, Sorry to hear my Mum is not too well again. I do hope she has been Ok today. Please send her my love. I had a lovely surprise this afternoon. Mum took me to a new paddock to have a good run. She found it on the Web and the good news is that it is not far from here. It is 2 acres so plenty of room to explore. It was a bit wet but who cares. I have asked if I can go again next week. Mum said she will speak to the lady for me. I do hope it is a “Yes”. Say hello to your Dad for me and I hope he has a safe trip back to Switzerland. Lots of love to you all. Dickens XXXX
Thank you Dickens. We’re really quite worried about your mum. I’ve given her your love.
The paddock sounds great. Have a wonderful time.
Love Wilma