What to think? – Friday 14th January 2022

What to think?

I really don’t know what to think of the new garden ornaments. Mum is absolutely thrilled with them. I just can’t understand why they don’t smell right. What is the point of making things look like a mole, a rat, a toad and a badger if they don’t smell of anything interesting? You humans miss out on so much by not going around smelling things. For us it is such an important part of everyday life.

We are all under strict instructions to leave them where they are and not to knock them over. I often think humans would be better off not saying things like that to us. If we don’t think about it then it is rarely an issue. You know what it’s like though, the more you think about something the more you feel the need to go and have a look.

Loving the garden

We are loving being in the garden together. It was perfect right up until we got the video from my sister of her walk in our favouritest place in the whole world. There she was enjoying herself on what Mum lovingly calls ‘Wilma’s Mountain’. All of a sudden our garden didn’t feel quite so sunny and I just wanted to be running through the snow with Valeria.

Dad has to go to Switzerland on Saturday and I’ve asked if there is any way he can take me with him. Unfortunately he has said ‘no’. I have to stay here to look after Mum until he comes home in a couple of weeks. I know that’s my job and it’s important, but I really would like to go and play in the snow on the Raten. It is just the best place ever and we love it. Maybe soon.

