Today is the day
Today is the day and we’re all very excited. Mum will pick Dad up from the airport this evening. I’ve asked if I can go with her, but she says that I’d be better waiting at home. I know she’ll relent later. I’ll just look at her with sad eyes. It’s the best way to end the last year. We’re all hoping that the next year will be a little less stressful than the one that is finishing and having Dad here will certainly get it off to a good start. Writing that has made me realise how much I have to do today. Not only do I need to think about my new year message to you all, but I need to come up with some resolutions.
So much to show Dad
I do hope it doesn’t rain this weekend as I’ve got so much to show Dad in the garden. I want to show him where the deer come through and where the fox keeps going to the toilet. He needs to see just how many of the apples we’ve eaten and how wet some of the garden is. I do hope he’s bringing a coat with him as there are so many things for him to see. The good thing is that he can work in the garden and spend time out in his shed even while he’s quarantining from Mum. If it rains all the time he won’t think that’s quite such a good idea.
If things go to plan, Mum and Dad will be seeing the New Year in together in the garden. It relies on Mum not falling asleep and of course that it isn’t raining at midnight. I’m not sure if I’m included in the plans. Mum said I’d have to promise not to bark and that’s a hard one. Mum’s hinted my new year’s resolutions need to include cutting down on that too. She may have a point.