I want snow
It’s not fair, I want snow. Dad was telling us about the lovely blue skies and the beautiful white snow. He said he’d been for a very enjoyable walk yesterday really appreciating my beloved Switzerland. For us – not so much. Mum described our weather as dank and drear. Even the sound of the words seemed to fit the mood of the day. It was the sort of weather that even though it wasn’t actually raining meant you needed to be towelled dry when you came back in. At least tomorrow is the shortest day and we can look forward to more daylight again, even if it will take a while.
Quiet week
It’s going to be a quiet week. Mum says she’s isolating from the world for the foreseeable future. From a dog point of view, that has more upsides than downsides. I ran through the most important questions such as ‘will we still get our food delivered?’ Once I’d made sure I was happy with the answers I looked on the bright side. It means having her around all the time and what could be better than that? We’ll make our own entertainment, we always do. It’s not as though we’ve been out and about very much in recent times. Most of the world could have disappeared and we’d be none the wiser.
Liver paste
Ari has been doing some training with Mum. You know what it’s like, old dog, new tricks. Well, to keep him interested Mum bought some liver paste to use to encourage him. It turns out that if liver paste is on offer he’s willing to learn to dance the foxtrot, never mind what Mum was actually asking him to do. She even caught him trying to get the tube from her desk. I’m not sure how he planned to take the lid off, but knowing Ari he’d have found a way.