Big garden problems
There are big garden problems that you just don’t think about. Oh, the fact that the sit on mower still hasn’t arrived after a couple of months on order is just a small thing by comparison. What Mum is really fed up about is our poo. Yes, you read that correctly. We haven’t started pooing more than we used to, so it’s not an overall complaint about quantity. The problem is that we have more space to choose from and we keep hiding it. To be fair, it’s worse than that. It’s autumn – we keep choosing spots that are sheltered underneath tree branches. Our poo then gets covered by falling leaves and it’s hard to find… until Mum is mowing the grass. Then the whole place is a minefield.
Funny week
It’s going to be a funny week. Our fence is being sorted out at the back of the house. It needs to be absolutely ‘me proof’. Mum calls it Wilma proofing. She doesn’t really think I’m going to make a run for it, but with sheep in the neighbouring fields it’s a risk she is not prepared to take. It’s frustrating, but I can see her point. It would only take me forgetting my manners and it just doesn’t bear thinking about. Once it’s all done, Mum says she can start to sort out what is planted in front of the fences so that I can’t see the sheep so much too. It’s a shame, but probably for the best. Mind you, I do think the sheep will be upset when they can’t start at me through the gaps.
Good weather
We have more nice days ahead, which is great. Winter seems so much shorter when the weather is still nice this late into the year. Mum has said we can all spend the afternoon in the garden again. She wants to finish mowing the minefield. The rest of the seeds that Aristotle ordered have arrived too, so they want to sort those into planting order. I’ll just eat apples while they do that. Mum did say if there was time she might start some digging of the beds she needs to plant with herbs and vegetables. I like that idea as it is an opportunity to get muddy.