To walk or not to walk
To walk or not to walk, that is the question. Whether tis muddier under paw to set off in the morning or to wait until the afternoon. Sorry, that’s what happens when we move to within five miles of Shakespeare’s home. I feel the need to get into character. Anyway, the key thing is that it’s likely to rain this morning and Mum says she has some errands to run too. I hate being patient and want to go now, even though it is still dark.
We have also foreseen another problem with our muddy walk plan. The muddy part is not right at the front door. There is time for some of the mud to fall off on our way home and not be registered. Mum has said there would be no point us going somewhere by car to do it as by nature our breed are very clean and I would have spent the journey home cleaning myself up.
Exciting Day
A day involving mud is exciting enough, but on top of that Dad is coming home this evening. Mum will pick him up from the airport. I can’t wait to see him. I will have had all the mud brushed off by then so there’s no need for him to worry. Life will seem so much better having us all in one place again. Shadow says she’s first in line for cuddles as she misses out most when he’s not here.
My only worry about Dad being here is that he might go round tidying up all the fallen apples and then what are Ari and I going to eat? We like having a ready supply and don’t really want them to be taken away. Maybe we could get Mum to pass them down to us directly from the tree.