Shadow is smitten
Well Shadow is smitten with the electrician and wants to adopt him. In most uncharacteristic behaviour she didn’t bark at him at all. She simply went straight to him and allowed him to give her a fuss. She didn’t want him to stop. I don’t know what it was that she liked so much but he definitely passed her tests. She then went looking to see if there was anyone else who could give her a fuss, which was kind of sweet really.
Aristotle in the bad books
Aristotle on the other paw is well and truly in the dog house. He has peed in the house yet again. He can smell where the old dog who used to live here has been and he keeps wanting to cover over any scent he finds. It’s a good job Mum bought a carpet cleaner some time ago as she keeps having to use it. She’s being very patient with him, but she has asked him very nicely if he could possibly stop doing it as it’s creating a lot of extra work.
Getting Excited
We’re all excited about my maternal grandparents coming to visit tomorrow. I can’t wait to show them my orchard. Ok, so it’s not exactly mine but I’ve eaten more apples from it than anyone else in the house, so I’m claiming it. Grandpa will be 96 next week. He doesn’t get to make that many big expeditions now, so it will be quite an event. My paternal grandpa came to see us last week and it was just lovely to show him around.
I wish I could invite my doggy friends over too, but Mum says I have to wait for that. Mum has also said when they do come we have to be very careful not to end up in the pond – yeah, right!