Perfect Opportunity – Sunday 7th November 2021

Perfect opportunity

How about this for a perfect opportunity. ‘Dear Wilma, blah blah, muddiest dog breed, blah blah’. Basically an automotive company is compiling a table comparing which dogs get muddiest going for a walk. I’m taking part. It is all being done scientifically. Once I’ve read the letter I will tell you what I have to do. The other exciting thing was that the letter, or more to the point parcel, was the first post to the new house in my name. Anyway, I have a perfect excuse to go for a lovely walk and get as muddy as I like so that we can measure how much mud I bring home. We then have to brush me and return the mud to them to analyse. I’ll tell you more in the next few days.


Mum thought we’d got off very lightly on the firework front on Friday. There were none that we could really hear from home. Ari was disappointed as he likes watching them. Anyway, last night he was a happy dog as there were some nearby so he sat at the window to see out. Mum kept us indoors while they were going off, but we were fine with that. Even from indoors they were still quite loud. It is much easier now that Shadow doesn’t hear very well or she’d have been barking at them.

Well done to Arden Grange

Well done to Arden Grange pet food. They are celebrating their twenty-fifth anniversary this year and as part of that they are giving away enough food for 40,000 meals to dogs and cats in independent rescue centres in the UK. Each of the 25 charities, which were drawn from all the ones nominated by their followers, will receive 25 large bags of dog or cat food. It’s a lovely way for Arden Grange to celebrate their anniversary and we wish them many more happy years of supplying pet food.

