Completely bonkers
My humans are completely bonkers. There is no other way to describe it. I may have told you there are several sheds in the garden well, Mum has given them all new names. The story is longer than that. When Mum was about 12 years old, she used to help driving miniature steam trains around her cousin’s garden. She loved it. Both she and Dad love steam trains. Anyway, Mum has got it into her head that she’d like to run a track around our back garden. However, she doubts she will ever have the time and money to actually do it.
Back to the sheds
What she does have is the daft idea of renaming the existing garden buildings, and the house come to that. She is calling the building formally known as the piggery ‘the ticket office’. It sits just to the side of where she’d like the railway track to run. The greenhouse gives an all round view so will now be called ‘the signal box’. Dad’s big shed is where the trains could be worked on, in between him making cider and is going to be known as ‘the Engine Shed’. Then there is Mum’s little shed. Dad has told her that one needs to be ‘the Stationmaster’s Office’.
It gets worse
Not content to leave the joke there, they are ordering signs with those names to attach to each building. Apparently, the house will be the waiting room. There’s a strong suspicion that given they haven’t got any trains there might be a lot of delays and they may be spending a great deal of time in the waiting room.
As long as Mum doesn’t start blowing a whistle I don’t mind. I shall start thinking she’s calling me if she does that and I could get very confused.