Taking over
I’m thinking of taking over the gardening from Aristotle. He’s not keen on the idea, but I’m having so much fun that it seems like a good idea to me. It all started when Mum said there was nowhere to put my favourite chair. Dad said he’d have it in his shed, but then had the nerve to say it wasn’t in good enough condition! For a shed! Ok, so I may have chewed a hole in the cushion of the seat, but these things can’t be helped. Mum came to the rescue. Knowing it was my favourite she looked around at where it might fit.
Her shed is only very small and is full of stuff already. The piggery is also full of really useful things if you ever wanted to go into dog breeding. That left the greenhouse. I now have my very own chair in the greenhouse. Mum is seeing it as hers, but we won’t quibble over the details. Dave – the Yucca plant is going to have to move out as, whilst he gives it all a tropical look, he does rather go in for poking you when you aren’t expecting it. I’ve asked Mum if she can bring a nice soft blanket out for it as well now and then I’ll be happy.
My apple tree
I thought I’d show you my favourite apple tree too. From a human point of view, according to Dad, the apples aren’t that attractive this year and seem to have something that causes brown spots on their skin. Frankly, I eat horse poo, so the odd brown spot is not going to put me off. The fact he doesn’t see them as being worthy of him eating them is a bonus as it means I can help myself. There are enough to share if you want to join me.
