Opposing interests
Yesterday was a day of opposing interests. Shadow has clearly been overdoing it and all she wanted to do was sit down and rest. The problem is that she wants us all to sit down to rest with her. If Mum is on the move then Shadow does not want to be left out. She tries to keep going, but just starts to look more and more tired and then flops down on the floor at a moment’s notice of stopping.
I on the other paw want to keep moving as much of the time as possible. If Mum sits down for long then I start saying ‘What’s next?’ With Ari, if I’m being honest, he starts saying ‘Isn’t it bed time? Can’t we all go to the bedroom now?’
Big change
For Ari it’s all been a big change. He was used to going to bed in his crate around 8pm and really he still wants that to be bedtime. I’m happy to stay up later and Shadow just goes to sleep wherever she is, but Ari wants a proper routine. I take myself off to my crate when I get really tired in an evening, but Ari is so worried he’ll miss something. He never does of course.
Bright side
On the bright side, Mum has nearly finished unpacking the boxes in the office. What that is going to mean is that there will be room for a dog bed in there. That is going to make a world of difference when she’s trying to work. I’ve asked of we could have one of our big Orvis beds in there, but she says it might have to be a smaller one – or two smaller ones so we’ve all got somewhere comfortable. I’m sure we’ll work something out.