Cutting the grass
We all spent a lot of time outside yesterday trying to help mum cutting the grass. When I say ‘helped’ we were mainly offering encouragement from the sidelines. I don’t think it was altogether appreciated. At the moment we are still waiting for the big mower to be delivered and so Mum is having to use the little mower and there is a lot of grass to cut with it. She charged the battery twice but then was worn out so says she’ll do some more today if it stays dry.
Poor Shadow has asked if she can go inside instead of being out with us quite so long. She’s finding it hard. She says she’d like to sit just inside the back door so that she can come in and out when she feels like it. Mum says that as long as it’s not too cold then she’ll try to sort it out.
Knowing his place
Aristotle seems to have accepted that he can’t be top dog. He’s taken it pretty well, and things have settled down a bit again. On the plus side it means I am now back to my old position of sleeping on the bed with Mum. At least some good came out of it all. He has also been feeling better again. We’re all hoping that whatever happened the other day doesn’t happen again – Ari most of all. He said it really took it out of him. He’s booked in for his vaccinations in a couple of weeks so will ask the vet about it.
Mum says that at last count they’ve only got another 75 boxes to go. I know that sounds a lot but it was an awful lot more than that. We finished organising the greenhouse yesterday, so there are no boxes in there at all. Mum says she might just sit out there and pretend it’s all finished, but I don’t think she means it.