A worrying turn
Aristotle had a worrying turn yesterday. We’d had another lovely day doing lots of things outside and then when we came in Ari was last through the door and collapsed on the floor in the utility. To begin with Dad wondered if he was having a fit, but Mum was reasonably sure that wasn’t the case. It was as though he temporarily lost control of his legs. It scared Aristotle as well as Mum and Dad. They sat on the floor with him until he stopped shaking then lifted him onto a carpeted area so he could get a good paw hold. In his own time he got up and pottered around.
Back Leg
His back leg that was operated on was at a slightly odd angle, but Mum thinks it’s more that he’s twisted it a bit than there is anything else wrong with it. He seems ok, although a little subdued. Mum is keeping an eye on him and will take him to the vet if she’s worried later. He’s due for his vaccinations in a few days, so Mum says if he seems ok then she will wait and talk to the vet then, rather than take him for a separate visit.
The rest of the day
The rest of the day had been great. We sure do sleep well after all the time outdoors. Mum said it was very funny when I went into the bedroom I threw myself into our dog bed and was snoring before my head even hit the side. Shadow climbed in and I didn’t move a muscle. To be honest I think Ari could have got in too without me thinking it odd. I really wish every day could be like this to be honest – although I might settle for every other day now that I think about it.
Hi Wilma, thank you for your diary news. We were sad to hear about Ari. We do hope he is feeling better today. I know you will all be looking after him. Please send him my best wishes and tell him we are all thinking of him. Lots of love Dickens XXXXX
Thank you, Dickens. He’s a bit quiet this morning and says he wants to rest. Mum is keeping a close eye on him. He appreciates the good wishes.
Lots of love