The barking is getting to Mum. She swore at us all yesterday. The problem is that we haven’t really worked out how things are going to be. Outdoors we are having a great time, but everything indoors is a bit odd. There are still boxes everywhere and we don’t have the beds out that we really want. We are being really good some of the time and then one of us treads on another’s paw and we all kick off. That and the doorbell of course. Mum is getting quite a lot of deliveries at the moment and every one of them is an excuse for us to bark.
Mum says I’m the one causing the most problem. I had got used to her being all mine, and I don’t really want to share if I’m being honest. I’m winding the others up in the process and that’s not helpful – or so Mum says. I’m doing the dog equivalent of pouting when I’m told off. I think Mum may be under stress as she really isn’t tolerating any bad behaviour – sometimes she can be so mean.
This weekend, in between the rain, Mum and Dad want to start filling the skip with all the rubbish that needs to be taken away. You wouldn’t believe how much there is to go in it. Even then they may have to go to the tip as well. Mum doesn’t want to put things that can be recycled in the skip, but that means putting it all in the car and finding the nearest tip. It was so easy where we lived before as it was only just around the corner. It’s funny the things that humans find they miss. Mum said we should have taken some of it with us when we went to collect Shadow and Ari, but it’s too late for that now.