All home
Well we’re all home. It was a long day in the car, but despite the rain it wasn’t a bad journey. Mum insisted we listened to an audio book and then got annoyed when I wanted to talk to her instead. We stopped for me to have lunch and a quick walk at the airfield and then went to collect the others. Ari and Shadow were so pleased to see Mum and me of course. We even managed to buy fuel at one of the service stations on the way home, so that was one worry less.
Loving the garden
When we arrived, I took the others out and showed them the garden. They love it as much as I do. I ran around with Ari, while Shadow stayed closer to Mum. We went up through the orchard and then round the back of the pond. It was great fun to have them here at last. I’ve found a path through one of the flower beds that is huge fun to run through.
We had to stay inside while Mum showed the fence man what would need doing in the garden, so I couldn’t check him out. Mum was impressed though, so I suppose I’ll have to trust her judgement on that one.
We all sat in the garden room for tea. It was great. I had the best spot on the settee next to Mum, but then Ari tried to climb right up onto where Mum was sitting. It was really funny. Shadow was fed up that there was no room for her, but all of us on a two person settee would have been difficult. We did get a bit wound up when it came to bedtime and we didn’t really know what was happening, but we settled down eventually.

Hi Wilma, I am so pleased for you all, being back together. Great for you all to have a run around and explore the garden and orchard. Nice Dad is back too. The weather has been bad here. We had a thunderstorm one night and just after breakfast today we had lightening and thunder right above the bungalow. I barked loudly but it would not go away for sometime. Anyway, Mum has been signed off from the hospital and can come walking again so we all went walking this afternoon, I do love it when the pack is together. We managed to dodge the showers so all was good. Now time for a snooze before our evening meal. Send my love to everyone. Dickens XXXXX
Oh that is good news, Dickens. Please give your Mum our love and make sure you take care of her.
Lots of love