Going to collect them
Today’s the day we’re going to collect them. Mum and I will be setting off shortly. Of course, if you’re reading this later in the day we may already have been! We should have enough fuel to get there and back without filling up, although Mum says she will try, just in case. As long as there’s no queue then she’ll take me for a nice walk before we get the others. I need to choose where I want to go of our old walks. It’s a difficult choice.
Move round
We spent yesterday digging out Mum’s office so we could make room to put dog beds and crates in place. We had a long talk about who should have which spot. I rather liked where my crate was in the utility as it was near the food bags, but Ari is having that. He likes to go to bed early, so needs somewhere he can get some peace. I wasn’t too disappointed as Mum has moved my crate into her office, which is somewhere I’m more than happy to be. Shadow has a spot in the hall. That’s based on it not mattering to her if the doorbell rings as she won’t hear it anyway.
The man is coming to see about the fence when we get back. I said to Mum that I really think I could be trusted now and didn’t need her to do it, but she says she’s not taking any chances. I suppose I can see her point. You know what it’s like when you get the call of the wild. It really would be rude not to answer it. I suppose I shall just have to reserve those instincts for the times there are squirrels in the garden – just don’t tell Mum.