An unexpected day
Well yesterday was an unexpected day and not in a good way. Before you worry too much, it did get better and I promise I was the perfectly behaved dog I needed to be to help Mum. The lady hadn’t moved out completely when she was supposed to have done at the house we were moving into. It really went downhill from there. Mum says she doesn’t want me to give you all the gory details, but we sure were glad when that part of the day was over.
Not all bad
There were lots of good things too. I love our new garden. You are going to have to wait for the pictures as we didn’t get much opportunity to make those the priority yesterday. I did have to spend quite a bit of time sitting in the car, being patient and Mum says today will be the same. The internet is now connected, although I haven’t tried using it yet. And we’ve got boxes absolutely everywhere. I wanted Mum to unpack my comfy bed, but she says I have to wait until Thursday for that. The removals men will be back today to finish unloading and until they have, there isn’t much spare space.
Getting ready for dad
No sooner will the removers leave than we have to get ready for Dad arriving on Friday. How cool is that? We will all be together again, just the way it should be. I might ask to spend the day with him on Saturday rather than go with Mum to collect Shadow and Ari.If the weather stays nice, I would love to have some time outdoors making the most of the long days. I want to show you the orchard and the pond. Oh there will be so much to share with you.
Welcome to your new home, Wilma xx
Thank you