It all happens today – Tuesday 21st September 2021

Off centre stumpie

It all happens today

Well, it all happens today. Mum and I have a long day ahead and will be settling off for the new house shortly. Mum thinks we should get the keys at around 10am. You should see how much she’s managed to pack in the car. I think I’m supposed to be helping, but frankly I think watching is about as much as I want to do. I would use my poorly eyes as an excuse, but as it is really my own fault that they are still bad, I don’t suppose I’d get very far. We had to get some ointment for my eyes and I have to say that I now understand why Mum asked for eye drops for me, as they are much more comfortable than the gel. Please don’t tell her I said that.


Poor Mum has so many deliveries coming to the house over the next few days that she’s going to find it hard to keep track. This is what happens when you don’t want to go into shops anymore. There is everything from paint to toilet brushes and a mower. Dad nearly managed to buy two mowers, but the shop rang to say they guessed it was a mistake. The exciting thing is that it is a sit on mower, so I’m thinking I might quite like to have a go with it.

Something tells me that we’re going to sleep well tonight.

Final Check

I’m off to do a final check to make sure we’ve packed the things I need. As long as we’ve got my bed and food then all will be well. Oddly, they aren’t the things Mum has been focussing on, but I’m not quite sure why. I am after all her loyal side-kick and my needs should be at the top of the list.




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