Best friends forever
We’re best friends forever, Mum and me. Apparently yesterday was International Friendship day and we should have been celebrating. We don’t need a single special day, every day is friendship day for a dog and their human. There is no stronger bond, not truer friend than a dog. We will idolise you whatever you do. We don’t care what you look like. We don’t even mind if you smell. As long as you are ours we will follow you to the end of the earth. Thinking about it that really is something worth celebrating.
Counting down to Monday
We are counting down to Monday and seeing Mum. She is going to have to come wearing body armour and probably carrying biscuits. She just knows we’re going to jump all over her. Actually the reality is probably that we’ll bark a lot and jump all over each other too. Mum has already reminded us to be gentle with Shadow, but she knows we’ll forget ourselves on the day.
Sadly for Shadow there has been a change of plan. Mum is staying in the same accommodation she’s been in for another week so won’t be able to take one of us back with her. Shadow will have to stay here for another week, which she’s a bit fed up about. It’s actually bad for me too as it means delay to when I can have time with Mum. Shadow will go back with her on 11th August and I have to wait until her next visit.
Moving forward
On a brighter note, our house purchase seems to be moving forward so we’re hoping it won’t be too long. There was a bit of a hiccup this week and some information that Mum and Dad wanted to get straight, but I think it’s getting sorted out. I do hope so.