Telegram from the Queen – Thursday 29th July 2021

Telegram from the Queen

Yesterday, Granny and Granddad received a telegram from the Queen. The postman even bowed to them when he delivered it. You may remember when Alfie was the equivalent of a hundred he received a special note from a corgi, but Granny and Granddad heard from the Queen herself. They had a lovely day and had lots of cards and presents to celebrate. We all put our pocket money in to buy them a seat for the garden. Shadow is excited as Mum has told her she’ll take her to see them next week.

Planning stage 2

Mum says where she has stayed for the first part of her nomadic life has been absolutely lovely. Now she’s starting to think about stage 2. That stage starts next Monday, but the place she and Shadow will be staying in does not have a washing machine, so she needs to make sure she’s done her washing before she moves. She is also planning the things she needs to do while she’s up here on Monday. To be honest, I stopped listening when she was droning on about it. As far as I’m concerned it’s simple. She just needs to come an give us all a cuddle and play with us. How hard can it be?


This is exciting news, from my point of view anyway. When we move to the new house, Mum is going to plant more vegetables. As a dog who likes to forage, that is just the sort of news I like. I’m hoping that if I give her a list of my favourites, she’ll make sure they are included. I’m pleased to hear she will be having another go at broccoli and cauliflower and this time she’s taking measure to make sure the caterpillars don’t eat them all. I don’t know how she’s going to make sure that I don’t eat them.

