Emptying the freezer
Yesterday was partly about emptying the freezer. Now, this is one of those things where humans are so inconsistent. The big freezer is in my room. I have been told to sort my things out and pack them. Apparently, I don’t get to empty the freezer. Oh, I offered. There were frozen carrots which would have been fine once they’d defrosted. I didn’t get there fast enough to offer to eat the half a tub of ice cream. Mum had whisked that away and taken a spoon to it. She’s not supposed to be eating things like that at the moment, but she couldn’t bear to throw it out and as it was already half eaten it was harder to give away.
Wasps nest
On a brighter note, the wasps have been asked to leave the arbour so we can take it with us. They weren’t too thrilled as they thought it was quite a good place to live. You can’t really pack an occupied wasps nest. Mum doesn’t want us around there at the moment as there some disappointed wasps coming back and finding their nest has gone. They’d worked pretty hard to build it so I can understand their frustration.
If I’m being honest, we’ve all got to the point where we are finding the packing a little unnerving. It’s hard when you’re a dog. You aren’t in control of any of the process and don’t get much of a say in what happens. Mum does her best to reassure us that all will be well, but we’ll only really know when we get to the other end and everything has been unpacked again. In the meantime we simply have to trust her – and give her extra cuddles when she starts worrying about everything.
Having been through the process about five years ago, I can assure you your mum will need all the cuddles she can get, Wilma. And I know you will supply them?
Thank you. You’re right. She certainly needed them today and I’m happy to oblige.