Mum is going to be nomadic for a while and we’ll be taking it in turns to join her. She’s written out a schedule for us but I have to say it’s too complicated for us to worry about. We’ve all agreed that we’re simply going to trust that she has a plan and she’ll tell us the bits we fit into. She also said she is trying to push herself to cope with situations she’s found difficult so that she and I can travel to Switzerland to see Dad as soon as possible. I still don’t think that means it will be very soon, but at least I know she’s trying. She’s also going to rent the field at the kennels sometimes so we can all be together some days. I’m sure the time will pass before we know it.
On schedule
Most of the packing is on schedule. Mum did Ari’s room and Shadow’s room but she’s told me I need to help with mine. I’ve got to have finished by Monday. It doesn’t seem fair as my room has lots of things in it that aren’t mine. There are some of the things from Shadow’s puppies. They would have been mine if I could have had puppies, but now I’m just looking after them for whichever puppy I’m allowed to bring up in the future. It made me feel a bit sad going through them all that I wouldn’t be able to use any of them on puppies of my own.
Days off
I asked if there were some days off in the packing schedule, so we could go out somewhere nice. Mum said that there wasn’t enough time to do that, which is a shame. I think she should work harder so that we can go out instead. Working every day is no fun from a dog’s point of view.