Back in Switzerland
Much as I wish I could be back in Switzerland it’s not me that’s there. I still have four paws firmly on English soil. For dad it’s a completely different matter. In his case it’s feet rather than paws, but they are back on Swiss soil at least for a while anyway. Now he has to spend ten days in quarantine there, so he’s going to be pretty glum without us to cheer him up. Mind you, we’re pretty glum without him around too. I think he just wants to escape the packing, but don’t tell him I said that. Mum says she never wants to see another box again – not ever and frankly I can see why.
So what’s happening?
Well if things go to plan then we will wave our paws goodbye to where we live now in the middle of July. There is just one tiny little problem. We won’t be able to move into our new house yet. Mum is trying to find somewhere to stay that would be easy for us to be together, but she has warned us that’s unlikely so we may be staying in kennels while everything is sorted out. It’s going to be a very odd summer around here. I may even have to spend my birthday in kennels. I don’t mind spending it with my doggy friends but I’d really miss Mum and that’s not just because I’d like some steak.
Waiting to celebrate
We will all be waiting to celebrate when we can be together in our new house with Mum and Dad and the three of us back in the same place together. I’ve been telling the other two about the new place, but I’m sure I’ve forgotten to tell them some important bits. I’ve told them about the sheep and the apple trees and the lovely walk. I mentioned the pond too, but I’m keener on that than they are. Neither Shadow nor Ari like getting their paws wet. It is going to be fun exploring together when we eventually can.