A good brush
I have to be honest and say there is nothing like a good brush when it’s been hot and you’re shedding your coat. We sat outside yesterday afternoon and Dad happily obliged while they were having a coffee. It was quite blowy and Mum was less thrilled by the dog hair blowing into her drink, but that couldn’t be helped. As she’s got old, the whole coat thing is something Shadow has found much harder to regulate. It gets her down a bit. She seems to spend half the year looking a little patchy. Mum resorts to giving her kelp for a few days and things are soon returned to normal. I don’t know what she gets from kelp that she needs, but it can leave a coat looking much better.

Ari at the vet
Today Aristotle is at the vet’s, having a rescan of his gall bladder. We’ve all got our paws crossed that there has been no change, but Mum is less optimistic. She says there have been more times of blood in his poo, so she really thinks there is still something going on that we haven’t got to the bottom of – if you’ll pardon the pun. This morning he’s more concerned at having to skip breakfast and is duly complaining.
Never too old
I tried to get Shadow to play chase me when we were outside yesterday. I was just in one of those ‘I’ve stolen a plant see if you can catch me’ frames of mind. There I was, having great fun running at full pelt round the garden. Shadow on the other paw made several half-hearted attempts to follow but in the end raised a paw and said she’d leave it. Her head was in the game, but her body just wasn’t keeping up. I guess she’s still young in her head, which is something.