Information on Lyme Disease
With the weather being better and us all wanting to spend lots of time outdoors I thought it was a good time to give you some of the information we’ve been sent by Lyme Disease UK as part of their ‘Wake Up to Lyme’ campaign. If you want to know more then there is lots of helpful information on their website HERE

What is Lyme disease?
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that can be spread to humans by infected ticks. Lyme Disease UK have a detailed and comprehensive guide available on their website and want to help the public wake up to how vital prevention and early intervention can be. We can still enjoy and be amongst nature but rather be informed as to what steps should be taken in the event of a tick bite.
Not just humans at risk
Many animals can have Lyme disease and show no signs or symptoms. Dogs are most frequently infected but Lyme can also occur in horses, cattle, and cats.
The most common signs include swollen joints, lethargy fever, loss of appetite, painful or swollen joints, and intermittent lameness. Left untreated it can lead to damage in the kidneys, nervous system, and heart.
For pets, to prevent ticks use tick collars, tablets or spot-on products; try to avoid long grass; and regularly check your pet for ticks. Ask your vet for advice if necessary.
What are the facts?
For a disease that many of us know little about, it is more common than we realise.
There are around 2000-3000 new human cases each year in England and Wales according to Public Health England. However, cases may be three times higher than estimated, as this figure is based on positive blood test results and excludes all clinical diagnoses of Lyme disease, including people diagnosed based on the presence of a Lyme disease rash.
Ticks are found in urban parks and gardens and in every county in the UK
In 2016, the Big Tick Project discovered that a third of dogs checked in a study had ticks attached which their owners did not know about.
Enjoy the big outdoors and stay safe.