Bring me sunshine – Monday 19th April 2021

Bring me sunshine

Bring me sunshine, that’s what I say. Oh I love snow and when it’s all muddy from the rain it’s just glorious, but bring me sunshine and I’m a happy dog. That’s when I can really get my humans to spend more time outside. Yesterday was a repeat of Saturday but with a walk thrown in too. We only went around the nearby disused airfield but that was wonderful. It’s the first time when we’ve been out that there have been other people, but it all went ok and Mum didn’t freak out. Thankfully she has a nice range of masks that she doesn’t look too bad in, so she kept hers on.

Mum’s wearing the alpaca one at the moment. I did worry when she went to the dentist in the Christmas penguins one. She said she wants to get plenty of use out of it and it would be nice to think it isn’t needed by next Christmas.

Plan for the week

The weather forecast is good for the next few days, so I’m planning to have some more days like the last two. Mum says she really needs to think about bringing the others home from kennels but I think she might give it another day or two first. I’m rather enjoying having her all to myself even though I do miss them. I suppose if we’re outside a lot it won’t be so bad.  Maybe if Shadow has more time outdoors she will sleep better anyway. Ari isn’t really any trouble. He’s only there to keep him mum company so I hope she’s being nice to him. Mind you, it will be a first if she is. I’m amazed he takes it, but then that’s Aristotle for you. He’s the most laid back working dog you can find. Mum says ‘laziest’ but I couldn’t possibly comment.

