Babeli and Ron
I’ve got some very exciting news about Babeli and Ron. Babeli is Alfie’s old girlfriend’s daughter, (not by Alfie obviously!) Anyway, Babeli is now all grown up and yesterday she and Ron mated for the first time. Ron is a lovely boy. They had spent some time together before yesterday and Babeli was doing all she could to show him what to do. Finally, he worked it all out and everything went well. They are hoping to mate again today too just to make the most of the opportunity. I think now Ron has realised what it’s all about he isn’t going to waste any opportunity he gets! I think you’ll agree, Babeli looks pretty happy in the photo.
My niece, Izzy
My niece, Izzy is off for another progesterone test today too. She is checking if she’s ready to mate with Bandet. It is all too much excitement for me. I’ve long since got over not being able to have puppies myself and am just really excited about all the opportunities to be aunt / great aunt / honorary aunt to lots of wonderful puppies. It would be very good news for us if they all result in puppies. With Lia’s two growing up fast, it would be a wonderful addition to our numbers in this country.
Dad not well
Things are all a bit difficult at home at the moment as now Dad isn’t well in addition to Mum not being well. It has meant the longer walks have been delayed until he’s feeling better. Shadow is really fed up though as it means she’s seeing less of him. Sometimes being a pet dog is complicated. I can’t be nurse to both of them which is frustrating to say the least. I wish Shadow could manage the stairs so she could help.