Walkies again – Saturday 3rd April 2021

Walkies again

Oh it’s wonderful – we’re all back to walkies again. Dad is so good and giving Mum some confidence. We all need different things, but that’s ok as it will mean everyone gets fit. Shadow had a little walk down to the village green. I had a bigger walk around the airfield. Aristotle said he would rather just potter in the garden but that’s ok too. Shadow may not manage every day. She wore her leg brace, which gives her a lot of support, but she has not really got moving today yet. Mum was very tired as she’s still quite unwell, but even she says the fresh air will do her good.


As for me I was nose to the ground and sniffing everywhere. I’m pretty good at staying close by even when I’m off lead these days. I learnt a long time ago that if I remember to do the right things I get much more freedom than if I misbehave. Of course, from time to time every dog likes to misbehave but it doesn’t pay in the long run. I only had to be on lead when we were near the road and when there were things I should leave alone – like the muck heap. I know I’m not allowed to run onto the field where crops are growing, or past any hedge so I’m out of sight. It keeps everyone happy.

Wardrobe saga take two

I don’t know if I should tell you, but the wardrobe saga is happening again. Mum couldn’t finish the job properly on her own. Now that Dad is home to help it can begin again. The problem is that before she can rebuild it correctly she needs to dismantle it all again. I am keeping out of the way. There is a risk this won’t end well.

