Puppy Behaviour Flashback
I’m going to bring you a puppy behaviour flashback today. Let’s start with Alfie. On 5th March 2006 he was just under four months old and was discovering the world. This is what he wrote when Mum first took him up to their bedroom.
Bouncing on Dad – 2006
This morning has turned out to be just as exciting. Not only has it started snowing so that I might be able to go and build a snowman again later but the master didn’t come down very early. He didn’t yesterday morning either so I didn’t think very much of it. But then as a surprise my mistress carried me upstairs and let me go and say good morning to him. It was all very odd.
He was mostly covered by a big blanket with only his head poking out so I went and bounced on him and licked every bit I could get to see. I have never heard my master make noises like that before I think it must mean he liked it, that was certainly how I took it and I carried on bouncing on him and licking him until he sat up. How can the rest of the day possibly compare with that?
A year later in 2007 Alfie was asking questions he wished he hadn’t
An inferiority Complex
On the board in the kitchen are some rosettes. There are two that say 1st and one that says 3rd. I made the mistake of asking my mistress what they were for and discovered that they had been won by her last dog. I am now working on developing an inferiority complex because I haven’t won any. To be fair I haven’t been entered into anything so maybe I would win if I were.
Perhaps I should see if there is a ‘Denbury May Fair’ this year and get my mistress to take me. That is where they got first prizes in ‘Dog most like its owner’ and ‘dog with the waggiest tale’ and a third prize in ‘dog the judge most wanted to take home’. I can be adorable and wag my tale. I’m not sure I look anything like my owner and to be fair looking at pictures of Sweep (my predecessor) I can see an uncanny resemblance, although it may just be the fact they both have long, unruly looking hair. I am sure I could get the judge to want to take me home and I could do better than a third place in that!
What puppy behaviour flashback could I find?
Then I moved forward to look at the others. There were no reports of Shadow when she was young on this day, but in 2012 Ari’s early gardening did not go down well. He was six months old when Alfie wrote this about him.
Flashback to being Caught in the Act – 2012
Aristotle asked to go outside to the toilet. He was fibbing! He didn’t need to go at all. He’d spotted that in the barrel on the patio there were some lovely little yellow flowers. This story definitely needs to use the past tense. There ‘were’ lovely little yellow flowers. Not there ‘are’ lovely little yellow flowers. When my Mistress went to let him back on, only a couple of minutes later, he was standing with his front paws and nose firmly inside the soil in the barrel doing a little more than sniffing the flowers. He was digging them up and eating them.

Whilst he was clearing up the dead plants around the garden he could vaguely be described as helping. He wasn’t leaving them in a neat pile, but in overall terms he was making it easier for my Mistress to gather them up and put them into the compost bin. When he was playing in the mud which had no plants in, he could just about get away with saying he was turning the soil over ready for planting.
A Present for our Mistress
Digging up little yellow flowers that haven’t even had chance to open up and show their full glory is NEVER going to be considered a good thing. In his defence he said he was trying to bring them into the house as a present for our Mistress. The fact that had nibbled edges was an innocent mistake. I have to say that from the look on my Mistress’s face she was no more convinced of his protestations than I was. The puppy is definitely guilty! His biscuit ration has been withdrawn to help him see the error of his ways
That really is enough puppy trouble for one day. Mum should be grateful that we’re all adults now!